Neuroaesthetics is a translational field that studies the effect of environments, atmospheres, and aesthetic experiences on the brain *and therefore body — life

Understanding neuroaesthetics means tapping into a more resounding human experience.
As designers, we can better understand the design principles that we studied in Theory and Philosophy of visual communication. Which offers an opportunity to create work that is not just visually pleasing but also cognitively engaging

Ive always been interested in process.

My BFA research was about methods and processes of creative work.
During which I began to wonder; why I and other creatives enjoy process, so much so, we almost disregard outcomes. Which lead me to a sub-discipline of neuroscience called neuroaesthetics; This discipline explores how our brains respond to aesthetic experiences; whether we are making or beholding art & beauty.

While examining the intersection of art and science, I aim to create work that positively impacts peoples brain health through art in two ways; 1:Making, 2:Beholding aesthetic experiences.

Making:  designing prompts for creative activities in the form of group or solo games 7 exercises.

Beholding:  therapeutic spaces & installations; still murals, parallaxes of moving images, using neuroaesthetics principles, to be installed in various mundane spaces to improve peoples experiences of them.
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